Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Hello, everyone!

This is Talia, one of the four authors and the artist of the Webcomic "Half God." A Greek mythology-based manga-style comic following four protagonists on their way to Olympus. Update times are unsure because of my unfortunate lack of a scanner, but you are welcome to read what is there already! Go up to the top, click "Comic Pages" and you will be able to browse the pages available to read. Our smackjeeves website is Here. You can be directed to our smackjeeves site by clicking "Find us on SmackJeeves" on the top. It will open up the site when you click.
Thanks for reading, and I would love if you commented and told us what you thought of our comic!
Talia can be found on deviantART, MangaMagazine, and SmackJeeves.